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Lymphedema is a chronic condition that often manifests as an abnormal buildup of fluid, causing swelling – most commonly in the arms or legs. This swelling may be present since birth or may develop without a known reason. Lymphedema can also occur after radiation or certain cancer-related surgeries. Initially reversible, lymphedema typically progresses to irreversible, restricting range of motion and limiting everyday activities.

For many years, the only lymphedema treatment options available were decompressive massage, wraps, and compression. Fortunately, cutting-edge surgical interventions are now available and can provide patients with significant relief.


Lymphedema Symptoms

Symptoms of Lymphedema can range from mild to severe. If triggered by cancer treatment, the symptoms could take months or years to manifest. Symptoms may include:  

  • Swelling of an arm or leg, which may include fingers and toes
  • A full or heavy feeling in an arm or leg
  • A tight feeling in the skin
  • Trouble moving a joint in the arm or leg
  • Thickening of the skin, with or without skin changes such as blisters or warts
  • A feeling of tightness when wearing clothing, shoes, bracelets, watches, or rings
  • Itching of the legs or toes
  • A burning feeling in the legs
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of hair

Causes & Risk Factors

Lymphedema occurs when the lymph vessels cannot drain lymph fluid adequately. There are two types of lymphedema: primary and secondary.

Primary lymphedema has no known direct cause, but relates to inherited problems with the lymph vessels.

Secondary lymphedema develops as a result of another condition or treatment that damages the lymph nodes or lymph vessels – for example, cancer and cancer treatment, infection, trauma, or obesity.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer associated with secondary lymphedema. When the lymph nodes from the under arm (axillary lymph nodes) are removed or damaged during breast cancer treatment, lymphedema may be present in the arms. Lymphedema can also occur in the legs as a result of melanoma surgery, which often includes removal or damage of lymph nodes in the groin (inguinal lymph nodes). Other causes of lymphedema include:

  • Being overweight/obese
  • The development of a tumor that affects or blocks the left lymph duct, lymph nodes, or vessels
  • Scar tissue in the lymph ducts under the collarbones
  • Rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis

Diagnosing Lymphedema

Regardless of the details surrounding your lymphedema, we are well-prepared and well-equipped to address your condition. If the cause of lymphedema isn’t obvious, additional tests may be ordered, including:

  • MRI Scan
  • CT Scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Lymphoscintigraphy 

Lymphedema Treatments

There is no cure for lymphedema. Creating a treatment plan for lymphedema is a highly individualized process that focuses on reducing the swelling and preventing additional complications.

The Institute for Lymphatic Surgery and Innovation is recognized as a Lymphatic Disease Surgery Center of Excellence (COE) by the Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN). Our advanced procedures for lymphedema have helped dramatically improve the lives of many of our patients. We specialize in the following lymphedema treatments:

Lymphovenous Bypass (LVB)
Lymphovenous bypass (LVB, also known as LVA) is a minimally invasive  technique that connects blocked lymphatic vessels to a neighboring vein.  This allows lymph that was obstructed to bypass the damaged lymphatics and exit the limb.  It is an outpatient procedure that is often painless.  LVB requires supermicrosurgical technique and the latest technologies including ultra high frequency ultrasound and ICG lymphangiography to perform.  A microscope at high levels of magnification is used because lymphatic vessels are just a fraction of a millimeter in diameter.

Lymph Node Transplant
Vascularized Lymph Node Transplant (VLNT) is a microsurgical procedure involving transplanting lymph nodes along with their blood supply  from one part of the body to the limb with lymphedema.  These transplanted nodes have growth factors that stimulate growth of new lymphatic vessels allowing for reduction of lymphedema. VLNT is commonly used to not only treat lymphedema but also pain and contracture under the arm or groin in radiated environments where healthy tissue is needed.

Lymphedema Liposuction
Lymphedema liposuction is a minimally invasive technique to remove excess fat and scar tissue, often performed with lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA) or lymph node transfer procedures. The procedure removes excess fat from areas in which excess lymphatic fluid has spilled into tissues and caused the growth of fat stem cells.

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Lymphedema Specialist Near Me

With a primary location in Westwood, NJ and multiple clinics located throughout the nation, our expert team can partner with you at any point of your lymphedema journey and coordinate a comprehensive care plan.

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