Now in network with BCBS and Cigna.




Axon Advance Foundation

Axon Advance Foundation is proud to be participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day created and fueled by the power of social media and the generosity of people around the world to give back. #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday to kick off the holiday giving season and inspire people to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support. #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season when many focus on holiday and end-of-year contributions. #GivingTuesday has become a movement that encourages philanthropy and generosity worldwide.

The Axon Advance Foundation was established to promote research designed to improve treatments for patients with peripheral nerve disorders and spinal cord injury. Axon Advance Foundation is steadfast in its goal of providing optimal care to patients and also developing new treatments aimed at reversing injury, ending disease, and promoting life. From bench top to clinical research, the goal of the foundation is to improve treatment options for patients.

Patient Success Story

Andrew Brown

34-year-old Andrew Brown was left paralyzed following an automobile accident that resulted in enormous difficulty breathing. “The doctor didn’t expect him to live,” explained his mother, Gloria. Axon Advance Foundation sponsored Andrew Brown with the financial assistance he needed to have the only known surgeon Dr. Matthew Kaufman perform surgery on the phrenic nerve. Dr. Kaufman completed a phrenic nerve graft while installing a diaphragm pacemaker with Dr. Ashinoff. Dr. Andrew Elkwood, one of the few experts worldwide doing certain specialized microsurgery procedures, performed tendon transfers to Brown’s right arm. This surgery is done to improve lost function. The fact that Andrew Brown now has some movement in the thumb of that hand is a remarkable result in a paralyzed limb. There was a time when Andrew Brown could not even sit up in his wheelchair. Today, because of Axon Advance Foundation, he breathes freely with the help of his pacemaker and spends much time powering his wheelchair until his battery runs out.

Thank you for your interest in our foundation and for joining our efforts to better the lives of those living with nerve disorders, paralysis, and spinal cord injury. We ask you for your support in helping us achieve our goals and emphasize that your contribution goes to patient care, community outreach, and clinical research.

DONATE NOW and join Axon Advance Foundation as we kick off our #GivingTuesday charitable season and give hope amid the hopelessness.