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A core muscle injury, more accurately known as athletic pubalgia or sports hernia, is an injury to a tendon or muscle in the lower abdomen or groin that results in chronic pain. It is a misnomer — it is not a true hernia, which is the protrusion of an organ through the wall of the cavity that holds it.

Often brought on by repetitive, forceful motion of the pelvis, a core muscle injury causes chronic groin pain, especially with strenuous physical activities. We have pioneered several advanced surgical treatments, including nerve surgery, to treat your pain at the source.


Core Muscle Injury Symptoms

The primary symptom of a core muscle injury or sports hernia is chronic pain in your lower abdomen and/or groin. The pain may worsen during physical activity. Other possible symptoms of a core muscle injury include:

  • Ongoing pain that is dull or burning
  • Pain that radiates to your inner thigh or scrotum
  • Groin pain when you cough or sneeze
  • Pain that increases when exerting yourself, especially when twisting, kicking, or sitting up

When you have a sports hernia, you may feel compelled to reduce your participation in sports or activities due to pain. We can help alleviate this pain.

Sports Hernia Causes & Risk Factors

A core muscle injury involves a weakening or tearing of the deep layers of the lower abdominal wall or the tendons that attach muscles to the pelvis. The condition most often affects male athletes between the ages of 26 and 28, though you don’t have to be an athlete to get a core muscle injury.

Situations that can contribute to athletic pubalgia include:

  • Forceful and repetitive hip and pelvic movements, such as twisting, jumping, and kicking
  • Vigorous abdominal and hip exercises (often done improperly)
  • Lack of sports conditioning or weakness in the abdominal muscles
  • Strength imbalance between hip and abdominal muscles

Sports that are often linked to athletic pubalgia include:

  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Wrestling
  • Skiing
  • Hurdling
  • Ice hockey

Diagnosing Core Muscle Injuries

As several different conditions can result in groin and lower abdominal pain, we will perform a comprehensive diagnostic assessment to determine the cause of your pain. This may include a physical examination, specific movement tests, and imaging tests such as MRIs.

Core Muscle Injury Treatments

There are a number of different core muscle injury treatment options. The problem with many standard procedures is that they treat only the muscle injuries and overlook injured nerves. Treating the muscle and tendon damage without addressing nerve injury can lead to continued pain and discomfort.

At The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction, we go beyond band-aid solutions to provide long-lasting results. Our surgeons specialize in nerve reconstruction that repairs damage and targets the source of the pain.

We have pioneered several advances that have improved the standard of core muscle injury treatment. Our innovative procedures include:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: We use an outpatient procedure that repairs torn or weakened muscles or tendons.
  • Neurolysis: A temporary or permanent degeneration of the nerve fibers.
  • Neurorrhaphy: The surgical repairing or suturing of a severed nerve.
  • Bone Anchor Mesh Reinforcement of The Core Muscles: A unique approach to securing a mesh to bone to reinforce the repair and guard against re-injury.

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Core Muscle Injury Treatment Near Me

Are you experiencing persistent groin pain? Find a treatment location near you and meet with a specialist to explore treatment options for your core muscle injury symptoms.

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