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Patient Regains Hand Function Following Complex Reconstructive Procedure

SHREWSBURY, NJ – MAY 27, 2010 – The Plastic Surgery Center today announced the successful results of a complex reconstructive surgery performed by Dr. Russell Ashinoff to repair a man’s injured hand. Following the two-stage procedure, Mr. John Johnstone reports that he has regained full function in his left hand, which was severely damaged in a November 2009 wood-cutting accident.

Mr. Johnstone commented, “As a New Jersey State Trooper for the past 24 years, having the use of my left hand is critical to the success of my job. I am thrilled with the results of the surgery, which has allowed me to return to my daily activities.”

On November 29, 2009, Mr. Johnstone suffered fractures, severed tendons, and lost part of a finger in his left hand as a result of a backyard wood-cutting accident. A resident of Manasquan, New Jersey, he was taken to Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune, New Jersey, for emergency surgery. During the procedure, Dr. Ashinoff utilized advanced reconstructive techniques to re-attach the tendons and rebuild Mr. Johnstone’s hand. After the initial surgery in November, Dr. Ashinoff performed a second procedure in April 2010 to remove the remaining scar tissue, completing the process that successfully restored function to his hand.

About Dr. Russell Ashinoff

Dr. Ashinoff is highly skilled in all aspects of cosmetic, reconstructive, and hand surgery and specializes in breast reconstruction and body contouring after massive weight loss. Dr. Ashinoff has expertise in the latest minimally invasive techniques for rejuvenation and reconstruction of the face, breasts, and body.

About The Plastic Surgery Center

Dr. Ashinoff is a part of the medical team at the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction at the Plastic Surgery Center, which is comprised of a group of surgeons who are highly skilled in nerve transplantation, microsurgery, and advanced reconstruction. They perform a number of unique operations to help patients suffering from life-altering medical conditions who are often told there are no treatment options available. Some of these conditions include:

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