
Complex Reconstructive Procedure Performed By NJ Surgeon To Rebuild Man’s Ear

nj reconstructive surgeon

Dr. Russell Ashinoff

The Plastic Surgery Center today announced that the first of two complex reconstructive procedures were completed in an effort to rebuild a 39-year-old man’s severed ear entirely. The surgery, which was led by Dr. Russell Ashinoff, was performed on Jimmie King of Red Bank, NJ, who lost much of his ear following a motor vehicle accident in December.

During the procedure, Dr. Ashinoff constructed a base, taking cartilage from Mr. King’s ribs and carving it into the shape of his missing right ear. The base was then placed under the surrounding scalp skin in order to let the body generate a blood supply to the cartilage. The surgery was performed on February 24, 2011, at Ocean Medical Center in Brick Township, NJ. In approximately six weeks, it is expected that the base will have healed and the cartilage will be elevated from the side of the head. At that time, Dr. Ashinoff will then perform the second procedure, where he will place a skin graft behind the new ear to complete the ear reconstruction.

“We are very pleased to be able to help Jimmie by reconstructing a new ear,” said Dr. Ashinoff. “Importantly, by using Jimmie’s own cartilage and skin, we were able to avoid having to replace the ear with a prosthetic, which would need to be constantly replaced. This procedure will allow Jimmie’s ear to permanently look and feel like it did prior to the incident.”

“It was fate that Dr. Ashinoff was on call at the hospital the morning of my accident,” Mr. King noted. “I cannot wait to see the end result and to finally be able to put on a pair of sunglasses again.”

New Jersey Reconstructive Surgeons

Dr. Ashinoff is a part of the medical team at the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction at the Plastic Surgery Center, which is comprised of a group of surgeons who are highly skilled in nerve transplantation and advanced reconstruction. They perform a number of unique operations to help patients suffering from life-altering medical conditions who are often told there are no treatment options available. Some of these conditions that IFAR treats include:

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