
Man Returned to Normal with Reconstructive Surgery After Deforming Accident

Dr. Michael Rose Demonstrates the Power of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

David Milazzo, a Patient of The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction

(North Brunswick, NJ–October 9, 2012) – David Milazzo doesn’t remember a thing about March 4, 2012. And in this case, that was the best thing that could have happened to him—outside of having the good fortune to be operated on by New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Rose of The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction.

That was the day that the then 27-year-old North Brunswick, New Jersey, man experienced a horrific car accident. Driving solo in Lakewood on Route 70, he hit a concrete median in the center of the road. The car flipped over, and Milazzo’s head, which hung out the window, was dragged along the ground. Up to that point, Milazzo, who drives a delivery truck for a living, had never had more than a ‘fender bender.’

He was taken to Jersey Shore Medical Center. “Everything I know about the accident is from the police report,” says Milazzo. “When I first woke up, Dr. Rose told me that the surgery had taken five-and-a-half hours.” Milazzo began to vaguely remember, but he didn’t come to full awareness until four days later. “By then, I started to realize what happened and where I was.”

According to Dr. Rose, who reports on Milazzo, “His left ear and left scalp were dragged on the ground during his accident. He lost nearly half of his ear and tore up the majority of his scalp on the left side of his head. (Due to the nature of the concrete), these were not clean cuts. My initial surgery was to clean out the wounds, get out as much of the “road debris,” and piece together everything as best as possible.”

“In his next surgery, I revised all of his scalp scars and more importantly, did some rotation flaps to reconstruct his left ear, which has a very normal shape.” Today, reports Milazzo, that ear is so normal, “I can wear my glasses, and they sit evenly now.”

Milazzo relates that there was a hole that couldn’t initially be sewn, so his head had to be wrapped. A nurse came to his house once a day to change bandages. Eventually, skin was taken from his upper thigh and grafted along his head to fill the approximately half-inch in diameter hole. Today, no more than a scar in his hairline indicates the spot.

But more than anything, it was difficult being in neck brace for two and a half months, which was necessitated because he had broken the last bone in his neck and the first bone in his spine.

But David Milazzo is recovered. “My life is the same as it was before my accident. I had a very short healing period. I thought I was going to be out of work for six months, minimum, but I was only out for only four and a half months.” This is remarkable, considering the fact his job also includes heavy lifting.

“The initial pictures are so gruesome, that seeing him now really illustrates the power of reconstructive plastic surgery procedures when effectively applied,” says Dr. Rose.

But today, reports Milazzo, “Most people don’t even notice I had an accident, unless I tell them.”

Milazzo, whose follow-up surgery was done at The Center for Outpatient Surgery, which is part of Dr. Rose’s practice, is complimentary of the staff there. “They were very good, and always cordial—especially at helping me keep my appointments or notify me of any changes or delays.”

And he is most praiseworthy of Dr. Rose. “He’s an amazing doctor. He did wonders to my head. I’ve seen the pictures (from when the accident happened). Looking at my head now, I don’t think anyone could have done any better. I’m very thankful, and every appointment I have, I always tell him. If there was any problem, or a need for plastic surgery, I’d recommend him as the top person to go to.”

About the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction

The physicians of the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction are recognized as leaders in the field of nerve reconstruction and plastic reconstructive surgery. They have over fifty years of combined experience and are among the few nationally and even worldwide to perform a number of pioneering procedures. Their successful team approach to medicine results in the highest possible quality of care, and their reputation for excellence in their field draws patients from around the U.S. and the world. For more information on the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction, please visit